God’s Kingdom: Mysterious & Majestic l +Bp. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | June 16, 2024

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- June 16, 2024
Theme: ”Go and Proclaim: The Seed of the Kingdom always grows.”

First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 92:1-2;6-7;13-14
Second Proclamation: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
Gospel Proclamation: Mark 4:26-34

Homily by +Bp. Romie-Jun Peñalosa

On his first Sunday Mass Homily in Saint Michael Kalibo as a newly consecrated Bishop, +Bp. Romie-Jun reminded us that our purpose for coming to church is to see the Kingdom of God. And to see the Kingdom of God is to know the King of this Kingdom. We should acknowledge Him not just as the Man on the Cross, but also as our Lord and King.

The Gospel reading talks about God’s Kingdom in parables. The tree symbolizes life that came from the seeds of the Kingdom. The tree that depicts our lives, brings comfort to the people that surround it. It is our responsibility to nurture it for it to grow by living out the kingdom of God. The first parable shows how mysterious God’s Kingdom is. We don’t know how He causes the seeds to grow in the same manner that in the Kingdom of God, there are things that we will never know or fully understand. The second parable talks about God’s majesty. In everything, God will always be majestic. And one day, we will see how God will be glorified in our lives.

If you know the Kingdom of God, know the King of the Kingdom. Spend time with Jesus to know the King of kings.


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How to Handle Criticisms and Accusations l Fr. Erel Villanueva | June 9, 2024

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time- June 9, 2024
Theme: “Go & Proclaim: Choose to Live in Unity”
First Reading: Genesis 3: 8-15
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 130:1-2;3-4;5&7
Second Proclamation: 2 Corinthians 4:13-18
Gospel Proclamation: Mark 3:20-30
Homily by Fr. Erel Villanueva

On this Sunday Mass Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Erel talks about handling criticisms and accusations. The way we react to criticisms and accusations thrown upon us depicts our level of spiritual maturity.

In the Gospel, Jesus is handled His accusations with humility because Jesus is secure in who He is and what He is doing. We should also respond like Jesus whenever people are throwing criticisms at us- with humility and with security knowing our identity in Christ.

We have to forgive those people who throw rootless criticisms to us. If those criticisms are true, we should stop those doings and change it, for accountability is the sign of maturity.


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Ordinary Time: Season of Application l Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | June 2, 2024

9th Sunday in Ordinary Time- June 2, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Focus on God on the Lord’s Day”

First Reading: Deuteronomy 5:6-15

Responsorial Psalm: 81: 1-2,6-7,9-10

Second Proclamation: 2 Corinthians 4:5-12

Gospel Proclamation: Mark 2:23-27

Homily by Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa

On this Sunday Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminded us that we have once again entered the Season of Ordinary Time. This season means the we are to order our lives in accordance to the life of Jesus. This season is also known as the Kingdomtide, where we practice Kingdom principles into this world.

The Gospel talks about the essence of Sabbath day. We must consecrate ourselves through resting. Sabbath day also signifies the Lord’s day- the beginning of new life. If there is a new day, there is a new hope. So we, as His people, should honor it through worship and doing the work of the Lord.

This season is also the time for growth, strength, and maturation. Maturity is becoming more like Jesus. Ordinary Time is a long season because it takes time to grow in the Lord. It is about applying the principles of God in our life. In this season, we should aim to bear fruit, for when we do, God is glorified.


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Unity in Trinity l Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | May 26, 2024

Trinity Sunday – May 26, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Our believing of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, assures us of Everlasting Life”

First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-5

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 78

Second Proclamation: Romans 8:12-17

Gospel Proclamation: John 3:7-16


Homily by Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa

On Easter Sunday, we gather to celebrate and thank God for the gift of new life through Jesus Christ. Previously, on Pentecost Sunday, we thanked God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. In this Sunday homily, Fr. Romie-Jun encourages us to shift our focus. He reminds us that our gratitude should not solely be for what God has given us, but for God Himself and for Who He truly is.

Every Sunday is, in essence, a Trinity Sunday. We worship God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We bless His Name during the Mass, in the Sacraments, and as we profess our faith in the Creeds. We believe in One God in Three Persons. The Trinity is a mystery, and we cannot fully comprehend the depths of God; we can only understand what has been revealed to us. Our Triune God is not merely a subject to be studied but a mystery to be embraced. We worship One God in the Trinity:  Three Persons in Unity and undivided substance. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God; and yet, not three Gods but one God. The heart of the matter is, how can our faith in this profound mystery be manifested in our lives?

To live in the love of God is to live in community. God is in communion with Himself. Just as the Father never left the Son, we are assured that God will never abandon us in times of problems and despair. Love constantly flows in God, and therefore, we are to live in the love of the Three-in-One. As we share in His love, let us also love one another.  We are to will the highest good of the other by willfully ordering our lives for their benefit.

Moreover, as God revealed Himself to us, we should not hide this from our children (Psalm 78). The next generation can know about the Trinity, not only by our words but by the way we live in a community where love, forgiveness, and compassion abound.

Let us live in love. Have a happy and blessed Trinity Sunday!

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The Holy Spirit’s Love is Strong l Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | May 19, 2024

Pentecost Sunday – May 19, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Receive the Heavenly Helper”

First Reading: Acts 2: 1-7, 12-21

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 104

Second Proclamation: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 13

Gospel Proclamation: John 16: 1-15

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

In this Sunday Mass Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminded us about the Holy Spirit. As we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, may we also remember the reason of the celebration – the coming down of the Holy Spirit so that God’s love may manifest through us.

Mary’s “Yes” when Gabriel told her that the Holy Spirit will come upon her led to Jesus being brought down on earth. Our “Yes” to God will always produce something good. “You will be witnesses when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.”

The Holy Spirit will guide us to all Truth. And since Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, the Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus.

To know Jesus is to love Jesus. And loving Jesus can only be done through the work of the Holy Spirit. The person who loves Christ, knows Christ, and becomes a witness. The person who loves Jesus has the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in his heart.

The love of the Holy Spirit is strong. And when we have that love in our lives, people will know Jesus. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to flow in us, that we may overflow with the presence of God to others.

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Loving Jesus Unites Us | Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | May 12, 2024


May 12, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Show and tell what is Heavenly Life”

First Proclamation: Acts 1:15-17; 21-26

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 1

Second Proclamation: 1 John 5:9-13

Gospel Proclamation: John 27:11-19

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

In this Sunday Mass Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun expounds on the Gospel reading found in John 17. This passage contains Jesus’ prayer for the church. Prayer is the very foundation of our life as a family and a community. It is prayer that brings families and communities together.

We cannot be united with our minds. Unity can only come through our loyalty through Jesus. The key is not long prayers, but consistent or regular communicating to Jesus through prayers.

Jesus wants the Body of Christ to be united because our division and disunity makes it hard to evangelize. We cannot do mission without unity. Mission is to be done by the church community together. It is our oneness that will make people believe the Good News. This can never be achieved through our own effort but through the Holy Spirit.


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Remain in God’s Love l Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | May 5, 2024


May 5, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: The Irrevocable Love of our Great and Good God to His People”

First Proclamation: Acts 10: 44- 48

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 98

Second Proclamation: 1 John 5: 1- 6

Gospel Proclamation: John 15: 9-17

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

God’s love is unconditional. His love does not depend on us. He loves us because it is in His nature and character to love us. God chose to love us even before we were born. You cannot do anything to merit God’s love. God’s love can never diminish.

God’s love is unconditional. But to remain in His love is conditional – “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love.” To remain in His love comes with a responsibility. One day, man’s love will fail. But the Church reminds us to remain in His love. We should love Him until our dying breath. We do this by keeping His commandments.

The joy of Christ comes from the truth that the Father loves Him. Have a strong assurance that Jesus loves you. “I may be going through hardship today but Praise God that He Who created the universe is in love with me!” As David said, “What is man that He is mindful of us?”

And because love begets love, the love of Christ begets loving others. Love each other through the will of Christ. To love as Christ loves is to will the good of the other. You order your life for the good of others. It all begins by obeying the commandments of God.

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Abide in Christ l Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | April 28, 2024 Saint Michael Kalibo 5.94K subscribers Analytics Edit video


April 28, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Abide in Him, as He abides in us”

First Proclamation: Acts 9: 26-31

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 22

Second Proclamation: 1 John 4: 7-16

Gospel Proclamation: John 15: 1-8

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa


In this Sunday Mass Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminded us that we are to abide in Jesus. Abiding in Jesus means is to remain in Jesus.

Jesus is The Vine and we are His branches. But there are two kinds of branches:

  1. Branches that bear fruit
  2. Branches that do not bear fruit

Branches that do not bear fruit are cut off and tossed into the fire. The only way that we can be fruitful is when we abide with The Vine – Jesus. If your life is producing fruit, God will prune you so we can bear more fruit.

If we remain in Christ, these are some of the fruits that we will bear: A bigger love for God, and bigger faith in God.

Love means to order your life for the good of others. The fruit of your life will be disciples – from your life, people will be drawn to Christ.

How do we remain in Christ? We are to obey Jesus until our last breath. We can do this as we continue to encounter God through listening to His word and partaking of the sacrament of Eucharist. As we encounter Jesus faithfully, we remain in Him. As we remain in Him, people will see Christ in you.

Remember, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” So let life flow as we continually abide in the vine.


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Imitate the Good Shepherd l Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | April 21, 2024


April 21, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Focus your life on the Good Shepherd”

First Proclamation: Acts 4:5-12

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23

Second Proclamation: 1 John 3:16-24

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

In this Sunday Homily in Saint Michael, Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminded us to imitate Christ as the Good Shepherd. Easter is the season of celebrating His resurrection. And this Sunday, we celebrate the Good Shepherd Sunday to remember the purpose of His death and resurrection – to save us from death and to guide us in to the right path.

A good shepherd leads his people. He goes before them. He goes in front of his flock so he can see where they are going. The shepherd should know more than the flock. Leading is about going ahead to find a good place for the flock. He goes ahead and becomes a good example because action speaks louder than words.

God also calls us to serve with Him as shepherds. As His followers, we should also show forth to other people His goodness by imitating His kindness and mercy towards other people. Let us put God’s love into action.

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We are Witnesses of His Resurrection l +Bp. Raymundo Abogatal Jr. | April , 14, 2024

Third Sunday of Easter April 14, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: God’s Word will open our eyes to the Resurrection of Christ!”

First Proclamation: Acts 3:12-19

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 4

Second Proclamation: 1 John 3:1-5

Gospel Proclamation: Luke 24:36b -48

Homily by +Bp. Raymundo Abogatal Jr.

We are Witnesses of His Resurrection!

In this Sunday Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, +Bp. Raymundo reminded us that we are called to be witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. The Gospel teaches us the reality of His resurrection and we can be true witnesses when we participate in it.

Unfortunately, there are people who neglect the Good News- they are absent in church activities and do not participate in the Eucharist. There are also people who follow Jesus and His teachings faithfully. These people actively participate in the Eucharist and attend other activities in the church. Then there are those who are like Christ’s 12 disciples who have a close relationship with Jesus and are always nourished by His word.

We are born with a purpose, and one of which is to be witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let us firmly believe His Word, that He is Risen, and that we are one with God.

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NEW LIFE: Faith Expressed in Love l Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | April 7, 2024

Second Sunday of Easter- April 7, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Lord Jesus is alive and His appearance is thru His Churches”

First Proclamation: Acts 4:32-35

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118

Second Proclamation: 1 John 1-2:2

Gospel Proclamation: John 20:19-31

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

For this Season of Easter, Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa is basing the them from Galatians 2:20 – “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

The life we have now is the life of Jesus. Remember, there is no resurrection if there is no crucifixion. So we rise up from our old life of defeat and sin into the newness of life where there is joy. If you identify with Jesus in His death, then you will understand what the resurrection is.

Without faith, you will not understand the resurrection because the resurrected life is lived by faith. If we decide to live be faith, our lives will change. And this new life in Christ is a life lived in community. Love is the expression of our faith in Christ. Just like the early Christians in the Acts of the apostles, when everybody started sharing, poverty is defeated.

In community, there is sacrifice – for you cannot love without sacrifice. It’s possible that the reason why we don’t love much is because we do not understand that we have been forgiven much. It is gratitude that prods us to love. Our faith in Jesus is expressed in our love for one another. Fellowship is born out of love. And Fellowship is the way we grow as a community.

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Easter Sunday l Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa| March 31, 2024

Easter Sunrise Mass- March 31, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: The Father honors those who serve Jesus”

First Proclamation: Acts 10: 34- 43

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118

Second Proclamation: 1 Corinthians 15: 1- 11

Gospel Reading: John 20: 20- 19

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

“The Lord is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!”. This is our battlecry.

In today’s Easter Sunrise homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa reminded us that He rose from the dead to save us, and together with Him we are also raised into new life. Rise up from sin. Move from the old mindset into the new mindset.

We remain in death when we focus on sin. Let us instead focus our minds on the Word of God so life can take over. Let us bring our minds to the truth and reality that Christ is alive!

Matamorphoo” in Greek means change or transition, and metamorphosis is the process of change. This is what happens to us when He changes us as we set our mind on Him. Like the caterpillar  that begins as a taker of life, it dies inside a cocoon and changes in appearance and purpose. It is now beautiful and useful – from a taker of life to a promoter of life.


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