God’s Kingdom: Mysterious & Majestic l +Bp. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | June 16, 2024
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time- June 16, 2024
Theme: ”Go and Proclaim: The Seed of the Kingdom always grows.”
First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 92:1-2;6-7;13-14
Second Proclamation: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
Gospel Proclamation: Mark 4:26-34
Homily by +Bp. Romie-Jun Peñalosa
On his first Sunday Mass Homily in Saint Michael Kalibo as a newly consecrated Bishop, +Bp. Romie-Jun reminded us that our purpose for coming to church is to see the Kingdom of God. And to see the Kingdom of God is to know the King of this Kingdom. We should acknowledge Him not just as the Man on the Cross, but also as our Lord and King.
The Gospel reading talks about God’s Kingdom in parables. The tree symbolizes life that came from the seeds of the Kingdom. The tree that depicts our lives, brings comfort to the people that surround it. It is our responsibility to nurture it for it to grow by living out the kingdom of God. The first parable shows how mysterious God’s Kingdom is. We don’t know how He causes the seeds to grow in the same manner that in the Kingdom of God, there are things that we will never know or fully understand. The second parable talks about God’s majesty. In everything, God will always be majestic. And one day, we will see how God will be glorified in our lives.
If you know the Kingdom of God, know the King of the Kingdom. Spend time with Jesus to know the King of kings.
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