The Word of God which has Power and Authority| Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa| January 28, 2024

Theme:” Go and Proclaim: The Word of God which has power and authority”

First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 111:1-2;3-4;5-6;10

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:1-3, 10-13

Gospel Reading: Mark 1:21-28

Homily by Father Romie- Jun Peñalosa


In this Sunday’s first reading, it says, “Moses continued, “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your fellow Israelites. You must listen to Him (Deuteronomy 18: 15).” Moses is the greatest prophet of all time for he talks to God face to face. But here, Moses speaks of another prophet that God will be sending and he is telling them to listen to Him.

In the Gospel, Jesus is speaking in the synagogue while the Scribes (keepers of the Scripture) listened to Him. People were more astonished listening to Jesus than to the Scribes because Jesus spoke with authority in sharing the Word among the people, unlike the Scribes who only quotes scriptures and teachings from famous prophets like Moses. Jesus is the manifestation of what God has spoken to Moses in Deuteronomy 18:15- that Jesus is the Word Himself. He reigns in power and with authority.

On the latter part of the Gospel, we see that someone with an unclean spirit reacted to the presence and teaching of Jesus. However, Jesus cast out the demon and it immediately obeyed His command. We are also given the same kind of authority as Jesus. It is important to note that when we speak God’s word, we should speak it with faith. Power through God’s authority flows through us when we use it by faith, not fear. Believing without faith is ineffective.

We also need the wisdom of the Lord. As Psalm 111: 10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. We should fear the Lord first while we walk in His wisdom. Knowing how to speak with power and exercising authority starts with having fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord develops in your life when you love God. Fear – not because you are afraid of God, but because you are afraid to hurt God.

In the Second Reading, Apostle Paul emphasized that simply knowing Scriptures makes us boastful like the Pharisees, who are filled with knowledge about the scripture. Knowledge of His word alone is not enough, it must be evident in our daily lives. Primate Ricardo once said, “Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge” because wisdom will teach us how to correctly imply His word. Therefore, we should acquire God’s Word with wisdom.

In doing our mission, we do not just quote bible verses, but we are to bring the Gospel with action. We do it with love, this is the greatest evidence of God’s word being lived in our lives. Listen to God. Listening is hearing God and understanding His Word, that we may apply what we have learned in our daily living.


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Children are Great Treasures of the Kingdom| +Bp. Raymundo Abogatal Jr. | January 21, 2024

Feast of the Lord The Giver of Life – January 21, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Children are Great Treasures of the Kingdom”

First Reading: Jeremiah 31:10-17

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 10:2-3;8-9a;17-18

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26

Gospel Reading: Matthew 18:1-5

Homily by +Bp. Raymundo Abogatal Jr.

In this Sunday homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, +Bp. Raymundo reminded us that the only way to life is through our Lord Jesus Christ. His name is a powerful Name, and it will save us from our struggles and pains in this world. Worshipping His Name would bring healing to our bodies and proclaiming His Name to others will help in proclaiming His love for us.

He also reminded us that His Word is true, and the truth will set us free. By proclaiming the Gospel to all nations, others may also hear the good news and they will be saved.

Today, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lord the Giver of Life. Preaching this to mankind would make them understand that our lives are important to God, especially that the issue regarding abortion is now rampant in other countries. He also reminded us about following the Canon Law of the Church. The law of the church is parallel to God’s Word, and it will help us to move smoothly in the lives of the people.

+Bp Raymundo also reminded us about God’s peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14: 27). We are not an exemption to the troubles that this world may bring, but we could rely on the peace that the Lord has given to us.

Our God is a great God, and in His name, there is joy, peace, and abundant life. Therefore, proclaim the greatness of His name and let it be heard by other people- that they may also hear and understand the Truth- that we are loved by God and therefore, our lives are sacred.

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Believe in His Word, Great things will happen in your life| Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa| January 14, 2024

2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time January 14, 2024

First Sunday- 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 139

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13b -20

Gospel Reading: John 1: 43- 51

Homily by Father Jun Peñalosa

In this Sunday Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminded us that God is calling us to do mission. Our kingdom work is an adventure because God does not want us to get bored in our life. Our mission is to invite other people in His kingdom, but before that, we should invite Him into our personal lives first.

In our first reading, Samuel heard the voice of God and he became one of the greatest Prophets in the Bible. It teaches us that we must be in an attitude of prayer so we can hear what the Lord is saying to us. Prayer is not just a religious act, but a relationship. The more we develop our relationship with God, the more people see God through your daily living. We can invite other people not just by simply preaching the Gospel, but by living out the ways of God.

There are two things that we should be reminded regarding prayer: First, we must recognize God. The first reading showed that Samuel did not recognize God’s voice at first until Eli taught him how to respond the next time he hears God calling him. We must learn to listen to Him when we pray instead of just speaking. The more we listen, the more we get to know Him. And secondly, we must know ourselves- that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139: 14). Our second reading tells us that we must understand our value- that we are purchased with a great value and therefore, we must glorify God in our body and in our spirit that belongs to God (1 Cor. 6: 20).

The Gospel reading teaches us that God loves us so much, and His love is incomparable. This love is essential when we do our mission because this is the core foundation of what we teach to other people. Our mission is to invite others to His kingdom and that could only be done if we have a personal encounter with Him, know our value and if we know that God loves us deeply.

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The Light of our Lord Jesus Christ in You | Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | January 7, 2024

“Go and Proclaim: The Light of our Lord Jesus Christ in You”

First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-7

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 29

Second Reading: Acts 10:34-38

Gospel Reading: Mark 1:4-11

Homily by Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa



What is baptism? And why did Jesus Himself asked to be baptized?

The Gospel of Mark today tells us the story of Jesus’ baptism at the river of Jordan. Why at Jordan River of all places? Is it a holy river?

Father Jun in his homily today shared his thoughts about Jesus’ baptism. The Jordan River does not have anything special thing about it. Joseph and Mary, his parents, were also not special people in the society. Yet they were called a holy family. This is because the mere presence of Jesus in everything is what make things holy. The Jordan River became holy when Jesus chose to be baptized there. The family of Joseph became holy when Jesus was born and became part of that family. Baptism then gives us the opportunity and privilege to immerse in the life of Christ. It was in baptism that life started in us. So if you want to become holy, invite Jesus in your life. The presence of Jesus in our lives makes us holy.

John’s baptism in our gospel reading was a baptism of repentance. As we know, John was sent ahead to pave the way for Jesus. Yet Jesus who has no sin asked him to be baptizez. Why? First, Jesus, himself value baptism. We need to realize that our baptism is very significant to God. In baptism, we need to reflect, contemplate and constantly be reminded of our likeness to Him. Second, Jesus wanted to be identified with us, sinful, ordinary men and women. So why did God in His supremacy and greatness come down from heaven to be like us? So that we could be like Him also. What a great love for us!

Our baptism comes with responsibilities. So we need to continually immerse ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually in order to stay in the life of Christ.

Three responsibilities in our baptism:

Repent. Repentance is part our covenant. So every time we sinned, we should repent.

Speak the truth. Embrace the truth; practice telling the truth.

Serve. As baptized people, we are called to serve; meaning, we should participate in helping others.

Living holy lives means constantly inviting Jesus to live in us. Yes, we continually sin, but let us remember that the presence of Jesus in our lives makes us say NO to sin. This is what makes us holy.


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Jesus Revealed the Love of God to His People | Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | December 31, 2023

“Go and Proclaim: Jesus Revealed the Love of God to His People”

First Reading: Isaiah 61: 10 – 62: 3

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 148

Second Reading: Galatians 4: 4-7

Gospel Reading: Luke 2: 22-32

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

In this Sunday Mass Homily in Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminded us that Christmas is about family, and family and mission is connected to each other. If we are going to do mission work, we will do it as a family, just like how the disciples were sent out two by two.

In the Old Testament reading, we are told about how God clothes us with salvation. God has done so much goodness in our life and we need to express the joy that we attain in His love for us. That is expressed by doing our mission – telling everyone about this goodness and where to find the bread of life. The New Testament reading tells us that we Christians are adopted children of God. His natural Child (Jesus) and us His adopted children are treated equally by God the Father. Hence, we are called co- heirs of Christ.

The Gospel Reading reveals to us paths that families must take. We should learn how to consecrate ourselves to God. Fr. Romie- Jun emphasized three ways on how we could consecrate our families to God according to the Gospel.

First, we should learn and obey His commandments as a family. God’s commandments are His expressions of love for us. If we obey His commands, it would bring righteousness and which would then attract blessings in our lives. Cultivate love for your family. As Mother Theresa said, “if you want to be happy, go home to your family and love them”. If you want to be happy, learn how to love by learning to cultivate obedience in our hearts.

Second, we should listen to the prophetic voices around us. In the Gospel, Simeon has been longing to see the Messiah because the Messiah will bring joy to the nation Israel, and the prophecy said that he will not die until he sees the Messiah. Simeon is a Hebrew word that means “to listen”. Simeon heard the prophecy through listening. We also should listed to God in silence. God speaks to us in a way that we ourselves could only understand. He speaks differently to each and everyone of us and we should be sensitive as we continue our relationship with God in order for us to hear what He says.

Lastly, we should stay together as a family. God the Father put Jesus in a family for Him to learn obedience and to stay with God together as a family. We should stay and pray together as a family. When we fellowship with our families by eating meals together, a covenant happens. Loyalty and allegiance to each other is strengthened in the dining table that serves as the family altar of every families.

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Proclaim The Birth of our Savior, Jesus | Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | December 24, 2023

“Go and Proclaim: The Birth of our Savior, Jesus!”

First Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-11,16

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26

Second Reading: Romans 16:25-27

Gospel Reading: Luke 1:26-38

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

In this Sunday homily in Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminds us that Advent teaches us to long for Jesus. If we are going to wait for Jesus, let us also long for Jesus. We long for so many things in this world, but as Christians, we must long for Jesus- the permanent resident of our lives.

Mary longed for Jesus and loved Him beyond telling. Loving beyond telling means that we long for Jesus and we love Him in a way that no words can describe. Our love should be manifested through our actions because the love in our hearts is reflected on what we do. We need to cultivate a love that is far away from the love stories that we watch in movies or hear in songs, but a love that is everlasting and a love that gives room for God’s will. Just like how Mary fulfilled God’s purpose for her- to bear Jesus, God’s only- begotten Son. But the question is, how important is the will of God in our lives?

We pursue our own happiness and achievements that are temporary without considering God’s will in our lives. These things may make us happy for a short while, but it would not bring peace in our lives. Time is ticking. Are you going to ask God for His will for you? Your success will end at the end of your life but if we follow God’s will, it will last for eternity. Follow His will for you. Make room for Him to fulfill the destiny that He has set upon you.


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In His coming, We Have the Fullness of Joy | Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa | December 17, 2023

“Go and Proclaim: In His coming, we have the fullness of Joy”

First Reading: Isaiah 61: 1-4; 10- 11

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 126

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5: 16- 24

Gospel Proclamation: John 1: 6-8, 19-28

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

December 17, 2023



We celebrate “Gaudete Sunday” today, this is a Latin expression of “rejoicing” in the Lord as we anticipate His coming. For the Lord said He will come again; we prepare, we wait, and we rejoice knowing the Word made flesh will live with us in eternity.

Todays’ scripture readings tell us about the fulfillment of prophet Isaiah’s prophesy about John the Baptist and John showing us the fulfillment of God’s promise through Jesus Christ. Jesus was the Word; John was the voice. The problem with today’s society is that there are so many voices. They become noise in our heads and oftentimes we hear them not realizing they don’t contain the Word. “Any voice you hear that does not have the Word will only bring stress and anxiety.” (Fr. Jun)

As we lit the first advent candle symbolizing “hope”, we are reminded that our hope should always rest in the word of God. We should not rest it on the things or circumstances around us. Money cannot guarantee a bright future. Good health may deteriorate by tomorrow. Friends today may not be there on the next days. So this advent, let us continue and make sure that our hope rests in Christ.

The second candle symbolized “faith”, and it should always be anchored in Jesus Christ. Two thousand years ago, He paid everything for our life so that we can live it fully. All we need to do is claim it with confidence and remain anchored to Him. Listening to the word is the key to salvation. When we listen, it brings hope to us and develops our faith.

Having hope and faith anchored in Christ then brings us salvation which brings also the “joy” (third candle) in our life. Salvation is a package given by God. From healing, to deliverance, to prosperity…everything!  And the knowledge of what Christ has done for us leads us to be joyful. Joy is not a feeling; it is a state of mind knowing everything is going to be alright. We might not know exactly and we might not understand fully how it might go or how it might happen, but we have the confidence for His word guarantees it.

Advent is a season of evaluation. If we don’t evaluate ourselves we might end of ruining our life. Let us take this time to be reflective. Where is my hope and faith anchored? Do I really hear God’s word? How do I respond to the circumstances around me? Is it by faith?

Lastly, Fr. Jun reminded us of St. Augustine’s words on how we should focus or look at God’s words. First, Listen. Be silent before God. Be quiet and listen to what He says in your mind, in your heart. Second, have humble thoughts before God. No loftiness, no pride, no selfishness, just total surrender.

Christmas is not having so much things in our life. Christmas is having the hope that our life and our future is in the hands of Christ.



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Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight | Fr. Heinrich Ruiz | December 10, 2023

“Go and Proclaim: Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight”

First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85:1-9

Second Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-15

Gospel Reading: Mark 1:1-8

Homily by Fr. Heinrich Ruiz

In this Sunday’s Homily at the Cathedral Church of Saint Michael, Kalibo, Aklan, Fr. Heinrich reminds us to prepare our hearts for the Lord’s coming. It is necessary for us to prepare so that our hearts are ready to receive Him. This echoes the importance of preparation in our daily lives, whether it be for work, school, or service to the Lord.

The Gospel recounts Saint John the Baptist preparing the way for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Given that Christianity was just starting at that time, He faced a challenging task because the majority of the people were unaware of who our Savior was and how He would come into this world.

Preparation is a process of actions that we ought to do for us to do things orderly. We study, plan, and rehearse for something that we do. Therefore, we also must make the necessary preparations needed in the second coming of our King. Fr. Heinrich introduced the acronym LTO – Listen, Trust, and Obey – as essential elements of this preparation. These qualities mirror the identity of Christ. Listening, trusting, and obeying what He says enables us to hear His guidance on the things that we do. When God guides, He provides. Practice daily what the Word of God says for it will help us to reflect God’s character in our lives.

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Go and Proclaim: Watch, for JESUS is coming! | Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa | December 3, 2023

“Go and Proclaim: Watch, for JESUS is coming!”

First Reading: Isaiah 64:1-9

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 80

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Gospel Reading: Mark 13: 33- 37

Homily by Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa

Advent came from the Latin term adventus meaning “The Coming”. As we celebrate the new liturgical calendar, we should welcome it with joy always in our hearts.
Christmas is a time of joy. But become so busy attending events and parties, preparing gifts, and meeting friends, that we often forget the essence of the celebration. We get so distracted by the things of the world which causes us not to be prepared for the real Christmas. Advent season then was put before Christmas in order for us to prepare. But why do we prepare? Because true joy is felt once we know we are ready, and that joy manifests in our lives not only on the Christmas season but throughout the year of our lives!
So, what do we prepare? First, we should cultivate the attitude of attentiveness. Attentive to the most important things in our lives – love, relationships, people. We become so occupied by the material and physical preparations of Christmas, that we forget Jesus as the main focus of the celebration. If we are not prepared, we cannot recognize the coming of Christ.
The Gospel of Mark reminds us to “take heed, watch and pray”. Jesus never told us the time when He is coming again. Wisdom teaches us to always prepare so that when He comes, we can recognize Him. The first advent should be our focal point as we take heed. The birth, the crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus is where our eyes must rest and reflect for its should be the basis of our lives everyday. We need to constantly look back on these events for it will be our guide to where we are going. In life, we should know where we are going and that is why we have advent, for us to be watchful for His coming again.
Life is short and for some of us, Jesus will come at the hour of our death. For some, death is terrifying for they have not prepared for judgement. But for those who are attentive and have been preparing and using the blessings of God wisely, death is something they can look forward to.
Lastly, Father Jun encouraged us to become vigilant in our prayers. Praying to God will change our hearts, our lives. That mere presence we spend with God will surely change us and prepare us for His coming. When? Scriptures says, “soon!”

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Feast of Christ the King | Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa | November 26, 2023

“Go and Proclaim: Do not wait for the end times, surely GOD will judge the people of every nation”

First Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 95:1-2; 3-5; 6-7

Second Reading: 1 Cor. 15:21-28

Gospel Reading: Matthew 25:31-40

Homily by Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa

In this Sunday Mass Homily in Cathedral Church of Saint Michael, Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminded us today that Jesus is our Lord and King. As we have come to the end of the liturgical year, we have experienced so many challenges but in spite of those circumstances, Jesus still remains as our King.

Now, we need to ask ourselves, “If Christ is King, do I follow Him as King?”. Let us never forget the reason for this celebration- that we acknowledge Jesus as our King. If we acknowledge Him as King of our lives, we also follow Him as King – not just to follow Him as a friend or teacher. But how do we follow Him as our King?

The first reading depicts the cruelty of Israel’s past leaders. But God said through Ezekiel, “I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out. As shepherds seek out their flocks when they are among their scattered sheep, so I will seek out my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places to which they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness” (Ez. 34: 11-13) God demonstrates a shepherd-like leadership- the leadership pattern that we must also do to lead our flock with care. Jesus shepherds us and takes good care of us. Today, we are invited to celebrate His kingship. He invites us also to rule with a shepherd-like character for we are His privileged people that sees His kingship, and we must manifest this kind of kingship to others.

The second question that we need to reflect on for this day is, “How do I follow Him? Do I follow Him as the King of my life?”. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells us that in the day of judgement, He will separate the sheep and the goats, and it is up to us to choose who we will become. The decision is ours, are we going to follow His kingship will we be stubborn until the day He comes back again?

In verses 37- 39, we learn about how we should follow Christ as or Lord and King- typically known as the seven acts of mercy. These are the ways on how we could demonstrate the kingship of God to other people. It is our responsibility to take care of the poor, for He says that “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matt. 25: 40). Prove your faith through your actions. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, invite a stranger to come in to your home, and visit the sick and those who are in prison.


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The LORD Given Talent: Use It or Lose It | Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa | November 19, 2023

Go and Proclaim: “The LORD given talent: Use it or lose it”

First Reading: Zephaniah 1:7,12-18

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 90:2-4; 5-7; 9-11

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6

Gospel Reading: Matthew 25:14, 19-30

Homily by Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa

Today’s Sunday homily touches on Escatology – or the part of theology that talks about the End Times. Today’s Sunday message teaches us how to live so the end times will be a joyful time for us.

The first reading tells us that God will punish complacency. The blessings of God in our life should make us productive. If you are not being fruitful, you are complacent. Complacency is a choice. Meanwhile, the second reading reminds us that we are children of light so we will be alert when He comes.

In the Gospel, we see that despite having many servants the master only chose 3 to give talents to. Talents were given according to their ability. God does not give us the same things but He will always give us something. God does not give us the same things but He will always give us something. In fact, everything we have is a gift from God.

The three were chosen because of their ability. They were entrusted with the talents for them to manifest their talents and capabilities. They received these for them to spend using their God-given ability – short of saying “I can multiply what You have given me.”

You must remember that you have a potential to be productive and fruitful. If we want to be productive, we gave to know the Lord first. The third servant did not know his master. When you know your God – generous, kind, and loving, you will do many things for God. Prayer allows you to know Christ. The people who know their God will be strong and do great exploits.

Here’s some tips from Jesus Christ and the Eucharist on how we can be faithful.

  1. “Take” – Receive what God gives you
  2. “Give Thanks” – Value what you have been given
  3. “Break It” – Use your creativity to make something out of it
  4. “Give it away” – Share your blessings

Make the best out of what you have. Use wisely what has been  given. Don’t despise small things. Count your blessings and and learn to value them.

iTunes Podcast:


Prepare Wisely for the Coming of the Bridegroom | +Bp. Raymundo Abogatal Jr. | November 12, 2023

Go and Proclaim: “Prepare Wisely for the Coming of the Bridegroom”

First Reading- Amos 5:18-24

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 70:1-2; 3-4; 5

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Gospel Reading: Matthew 25:1-13

Homily by +Bp. Raymundo Abogatal Jr.

In this Sunday homily at Cathedral Church of Saint Michael, Kalibo, +Bp. Raymundo reminded us about being prepared, especially for the Lord’s coming.

The Gospel talks about ten virgins awaiting the coming of the bridegroom. There were five who were considered wise and came prepared with extra oil, and five considered foolish because they did not come prepared. Being unprepared can lead us to trouble. Weddings for Jews require lots of vigilance and preparation that’s why this was a good illustration for the Kingdom of God.

We are all anticipating a heavenly banquet, and we must prepare for it.  We must be ready to hear His voice and obey His commands. But sometimes, we do not to listen. We cannot listen because of our stubbornness and hypocrisy. We must change our hearts and listen to God. We will not be prepared to meet the Lord face to face unless we learn to listen to Him.

We should avoid doing things on our own because it will prevent us from hearing Him. Obedience is really important. Our eternal welfare depends upon how we hear and obey Him. The Lord cordially invites us to the heavenly table, thus we should do everything to be prepared. Before partaking the body and the blood of Christ, we must check our hearts. Do not be like the five foolish virgins and instead, take the five wise virgins as an example of our anticipation in Christ’s second coming.

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