2nd Sunday of Easter – April 16, 2023

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Have Faith in the Risen LORD”

First Reading: Acts 2:22-28

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 16

Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9

Gospel Reading: John 20:19-31

“Easter is not just a season of rejoicing, or of being happy. Easter is about having a renewed perspective in life.”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not just a happy event in our life. It is not just about evoking happy feelings; it is a renewing, a transformation of life, and living every day in that transformed life. A new perspective in life will really bring change. You begin to see yourself as victorious knowing that Jesus is in you. You no longer see yourself as defeated, but one who conquers the odds of life. You will realize and understand that there is nothing bad or evil that comes from God. He never hurts us, he doesn’t give sufferings, nor punish us for our sins and makes us miserable. He never and will never do that. But God can turn those bad things into good things. This is what Easter teaches us – that life is not always about fun but about having a new perspective about life and living a renewed spirit.

Key points about resurrection that Father Jun emphasizes:

  1. Reconciliation. To have a new perspective in life, we need to reconcile first to God. We need to acknowledge and confirm to ourselves that Jesus is  Saviour and Lord of our life. A man who never reconciles with God will never have peace.
  2. Value of community. Community enhances our faith in God. Being part of a community is a way of strengthening our relationship with God. Where the people gather in the name of Jesus is a community. This is how church started. A community of believers who loves Jesus and gathers together doesn’t demand a sign to believe, just faith.

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ entails  that we have a mission; we have a purpose. As He declared “Peace be with you: as my Father has sent me, so I sent you” (John 20:21). He tells us that He wanted us to take part of that great purpose that God has established long ago before the world was created. When we learn to focus on Christ, and listen to Him, and do the things He teaches us, we begin to change our perspective in life, for He will renew our spirit and change the way we see life. We learn and begin to walk in the power that God has given to us.

The reason why Jesus rose from the dead is so that He might bring us to where He is, to live with Him as a community, a community of Christians. Though living as a family can be very difficult, very confronting, and entailing so much responsibility, Jesus wants us to see a different perspective of community – a community that enhances faith, teaches us to be patient, enhances our ability to forgive. There is a tangible force of grace once a family is gathered together. It is much greater than any mistakes we can commit. That is why Judas, though Jesus knew He would betray Him, still partook in the dinner. Jesus still considered him as family.

Community has a way of strengthening our faith; it has the ability to remove our minds from ourselves and focuses on Jesus. As a church, Father Jun encourages us to go home with a new perspective, and live a renewed life, full of hope in God.


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