12 Sunday in Ordinary Time

Proper Seven – June 20, 2021

Theme : Living in Christ: Act in Authority

Homily by Fr. Andy Illustre

First Reading – Job 38 : 1 – 11

Second Reading – 2 Corinthians 5 : 14 – 17

Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 107 : 2 – 3; 23 – 30

Gospel Reading Mark 4 : 35 – 41

In every unpredictable storms/problems in our lives we need to focus on these things:

1. Choose faith. Fear and faith cannot exist at the same time. We need to stand in our faith.

2. Rebuke the problem. Speak against the problem through God’s Word. Do not be controlled by feelings or emotions but know who you are in God.

3. Be still. Dwell in peace, knowing God’s power is working in your problems.

4. Act in God’s authority. Know and act on God’s authority given to us. Focus on what God can do to your problems.

The problem with us is that, not because that we do not know what to do, but because we do not do what we know.

Credits: Fr. Andy Illustre & Rosalie Panganiban

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