24th Sunday of Ordinary Time- Sept. 15, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Follow the Lord Jesus and tell the people of Who He is!”

First Reading: Isaiah:50:4-11

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:1-3,7-8,9-11

Second Proclamation: James 1:19-22

Gospel Proclamation: Mark 8:27-35

Homily by +Bp. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

In today’s homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, +Bp. Romie -Jun reminded us of the profound call to lose your life for Jesus. Christianity is not about convenience or comfort; it is a journey of sacrifice and commitment. As we encounter challenges in our lives, we are invited to open our hearts and ears, allowing our struggles to become small in the light of Christ.

The Gospel presents us with two profound questions that we need to reflect upon. The first question is a cognitive one: “Who do people say I am?” (Mark 8:27). This question invites us to consider our intellectual understanding of Jesus. The second question is more personal and affective: “But what about you? Who do you say I am?” (Mark 8:29). This question calls us to examine our personal relationship with Jesus and how we truly perceive Him in our hearts.

Following Christ entails embracing the responsibility of love, which includes the challenge of forgiving others, no matter how deep the hurt they have caused us. Christ’s love for us was demonstrated through His ultimate sacrifice, and we are called to reflect that love in our own lives.

Our faith in God must be accompanied by action. If we claim to love God, we must show it through our actions. Let our lives be a testament to Christ’s love and our obedience to Him. As we ponder these truths, ask yourself this contemplative question: Do you truly love Jesus?

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