June 11, 2017, Trinity Sunday
Theme: “The Family of God: In the Image of the Trinity”
Homily by Abp. Ricardo Alcaraz

“We are in covenant with the Holy Trinity – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”

“A covenant is a permanent relationship.”

Genesis 1:26-2:4 – God created everything. God is Almighty, eternal and God of all things.

2 Corinthians 13:5-11 – We are to make sure that we are living in the faith that God has given to us.

Psalm 8

Matthew 28:16-20

1.(v.16-17) God is not intimidated by our faults & weaknesses.

2.(v18-20) We enjoy the authority and the power of the Holy Trinity.

“Do not be scared to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel; light will always be greater than darkness.”

“You will only know who you are in Christ, once you understand His authority over your life.”