26th Sunday of Ordinary Time- Sept. 29, 2024

Theme: “Go and Multiply: Sins are Judged by Fire, Sacrifices are Seasoned with Salt”

First Reading: Esther 7:1-6,9-10

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 124:1-3,4-6,7-8

Second Proclamation: James 4:11-12

Gospel Proclamation: Mark 9:38-50

Homily by +Bp. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

Be Ambassadors of Christ’s Love

As we commemorate our 42nd Church Anniversary, we are blessed to hear a brief yet inspiring message from +Bp. Romie-Jun Peñalosa. He encourages our congregation to remain steadfast in our mission as ambassadors of Christ’s love in this world.

As Christians, we encounter daily struggles. For instance, Bishop recalls how, during our Family Day at the beginning of our anniversary month, a typhoon struck us unexpectedly. Even on our actual Anniversary Date, we faced a power interruption. Nevertheless, he reminds us not to be discouraged because we know that Christianity is not a life of convenience and comfort. Instead, we continue to rejoice in the hope of eternal life with God.

On this special occasion, we also reaffirm our duty to evangelism. We must actively step into the world to share the Good News. +Bp. Romie-Jun Peñalosa emphasizes that as we commemorate our 42nd Church Anniversary, we should never tire of fulfilling the Great Commission. We are instruments of God’s hands, serving as ambassadors of Christ’s love in the world.

Moreover, this anniversary provides us not only a chance to look back but also an opportunity to look forward with joy. Joy is a choice, and today we choose to celebrate joyfully.

Anniversaries hold profound significance in the life of the Church, allowing us to reflect on God’s enduring presence among us while anticipating the possibilities of transformation. Let us stand firm in faith, follow Christ closely, and embrace the confidence that comes from living in His love as His ambassadors.

Check out our Sermon page for more homily recaps and video links to our homilies. God bless!

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