14th  Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 3, 2022

Theme: Empowered to Manifest God’s Dominion

First Reading: Isaiah 66:10-16

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 66:1-7

Second Reading: Galatians 6:12–18

Gospel Reading: Luke 10:1-3; 17-20

Homily by Fr. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

Last Sunday’s Gospel taught us about discipleship, how it is important in the works of God’s kingdom. Today, Father Jun emphasizes the significance of “apostleship” in order to manifest the kingdom. We are all called to become disciples and apostles. An apostle is someone who is sent out by his master to do an errand or a mission. So, in coming to Jesus, He also sends us out on a mission.

The Gospel reading today points out the following for us to realize and remember:

  1. When we go on a mission, we need to go as a community. Why?
    • It teaches us the necessity of concord among teachers of righteousness
    • “In the mouth of two witnesses, it shall be established”
    • The work is very difficult that we need each other’s support. Alone, we cannot fulfil the work of God.
  1. Prayer is very important in our mission. It is a necessity because the work is really great and difficult and it could not be accomplished without much prayer. Jesus himself commanded us to pray because He knew that the work for the kingdom is beyond our ability and capacity. We need to become a house of prayer first before becoming a house of mission.
  1. Focus on what Christ has done for you. Jesus has already defeated Satan when He died on the cross for us. The supremacy and authority that Christ has given to us when He sends us out for a mission is much greater than the enemy’s authority over us. Focus on the grace not on the gifts when doing the mission. Rejoice on what God has done for us, not what you have done for His kingdom.

We who are laboring in the kingdom must pray fervently and need to focus more in doing the work. As we pray for more laborers to do the harvest, let us be the answer to our own prayer. We should not be afraid to go out on a mission. Instead, we should walk confidently knowing God is at our back. We need to have a trusting heart and appropriate attitude in carrying out our mission. Let us always remember and focus on what Christ has done for us so that we will not be spiritually and emotionally elated that we become proud of our talents and abilities and forget God’s greatness. Our accomplishments, our privileges, our titles must not be the source of happiness when doing God’s works.  Our joy must come in the truth that Jesus died on the cross and has given us a name written with Him. We should rejoice that God knows our name and when our appointed time comes, when we have finished His works, we can go home to the Lord.

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