November 20, 2016 – Feast of Christ the King (+Fr. Fernando Ilustre)
Sunday Worship Homily
“Forgiven by the King”
Jeremiah 23:1-6; Colossians 1:13-20; Psalm 46; Luke 23:33-43
- God loves us and He has chosen to forgive us,
- Jesus is the only King who is willing to die for the sins of His people.
- When we begin to acknowledge the love of God, we become partakers of what He purchased for us through the cross.
- The Feast of Christ the King is reminding us that because Christ has died on the cross, we also become part of His Kingdom.
- Forgiveness continually reminds us of the favor we have received from Christ.
- God only wants us to acknowledge our sins so He can give us that forgiveness.
- Only to Him we submit, bow, and fall on our knees, acknowledge that He is the King of our lives.
- As God had forgiven us, we also do acts of forgiveness so we can move forward.