32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Theme : “Living in Christ: Honoring God Wholeheartedly”
Homily by Bp. Jun Abogatal
First Reading: 1 Kings 17: 8-16
Second Reading: Hebrews 9: 24- 8
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 71: 6–8; 12-18
Gospel Reading: Mark 12: 38-44
The Gospel reading today gives emphasis on the attitude of giving. Giving as a manifestation of how we honour God in our life.
One of the most important thing in our life is “our relationship with Him” and “our devotion to Him.” As what Jesus told his disciples, “Love is precious than gold and silver.” He teaches a dramatic lesson of giving; and that giving must come from the heart. Like that widow who has nothing but gave all her money as an offering, God sees the inner portion of our heart. That is how we honour Him, when we give and devote ourselves wholeheartedly in serving Him.
Lessons from the Gospel today:
- Honour God with our tithes. Our faithful giving of tithes is a manifestation of our obedience and submission and devotion to Him. And giving must come from the heart. A gift given with grudge and murmuring loses its value. 2 Corinth 9:6-7 shows how God will prosper the cheerful giver. Let us look unto Jesus as the author and finisher of our life; who will provide everything we need.
- Obedience is honouring Him. Romans 13: 1 emphasizes the authority given by God for governance to church leaders. Everyone is called to become submissive then. As a giver, let us not question where our tithes go, how it is spent; for we should entrust it into the hands of God’s appointed people. 1 King 12-16 shows obedience of a woman to the man of God without hesitation and sacrificing her future; an attitude we must also emulate to honour our God.
Finally, let us remember that “whatever we place in the hands of God, God will bless it for His glory!”
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