29th Sunday of Ordinary Time – October 20, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Greatness is determined by service”

First Proclamation: Isaiah 53:4-12

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 91:9-10,11-12,14&16

Second Proclamation: Hebrews 5:1-10

Gospel Proclamation: Mark 10:35-45

Homily by +Bp. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

Serve with Love Like Jesus: A Homily Reflection by Bishop Romie-Jun Peñalosa

In a heartfelt Sunday Mass at Saint Michael Kalibo, Bishop Romie-Jun Peñalosa highlighted a powerful message: to **serve with love like Jesus**. He reminded the congregation of the profound importance of serving others selflessly, following the perfect example set by Jesus Christ.

Bishop Romie emphasized that power, authority, and wealth are not inherently negative. Instead, they can be used for the greater good—such as providing for the less fortunate and exercising authority to uphold justice. The challenge arises when these elements become tainted by arrogance and self-interest.

At the core of true service is a heart filled with love for God. Jesus endured immense pain and sacrifice, ultimately giving His life as a ransom for many. This ultimate act of love serves as the guiding example for all of us to **serve with love like Jesus**.

A loving heart transcends position and status, reflecting a genuine devotion to God. It’s not about seeking prestige but about the positive impact our service can have on the lives of others. As we go forth from this Mass, let us strive to embody this spirit of love and service, embracing the call to **serve with love like Jesus** in all that we do.

Check out our Sermon page for more homily recaps and video links to our homilies. God bless!

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