First Reading: Malachi 3:1-4

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 84:1-12

Second Reading: Hebrews 2:14-18

Gospel Reading: Luke 2:22-35

We Are an Offering to God: A Reflection on the Sunday Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo

In his Sunday Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Erel Villanueva emphasized the powerful message that we are an offering to God. Just as Jesus Christ came to earth to be a living sacrifice for all of humanity, Fr. Erel reminded us that we, too, are called to offer our lives to the Lord.

Everything we do for the Lord must be done with sincerity, with pure hearts, and without hidden motives. God sees through us when we serve with a selfish agenda. The Bible teaches us that what we offer to God should be without blemish or defect. Blemish can manifest as hatred, unforgiveness, or any other impurity in our hearts.

Fr. Erel urged us to examine our hearts before offering anything to the Lord. This will ensure that we are not carrying any hidden faults or unclean intentions. Our efforts to serve God will only be meaningful and acceptable if we present ourselves with clean hands and pure hearts. The beauty of this offering is that it brings joy not only to the Lord but also to us.

As we strive to offer ourselves fully to God, remember that the sacrifices we make in His name should be done from the heart. This will create a sweet-smelling aroma that is pleasing to the Lord. Let us all take this to heart and live out the call to be an offering to God each and every day.

Check out our Sermon page for more homily recaps and video links to our uplifting messages. God bless!